Why does my item have a different tag? 

To help protect the most precious people in our lives and the planet, we set extremely high standards for the design and manufacturing. We make sure the textiles are made from organic fibers and meet the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). To ensure our standards are met, we partner with Colored Organics for the full cradle to grave manufacturing process. By choosing to leave the Colored Organics tag along with ours, we provide transparency and the ability to authenticate our commitment to you.

What is GOTS?  

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the world’s leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibers. Products must contain at least 70% organic fibers to be able to become GOTS certified. All accessories, dyes and other inputs must meet environmental and toxicological standards. Additionally, under GOTS factories must maintain a minimum social criteria; 

No child labor… ever!

These items are only made by adults who are working by choice and treated well. By choosing Colored Organics, “we ensure that children play in our clothes, not make them.”  

Fare wages & medical benefits 

Above-standard wages are paid to every worker so they can provide for their loved ones.  

Safe working environment 

The factories have certified working conditions that keep everyones health and safety in mind. 

Capped hours 

Workers are capped on how many hours they can work per week and are granted vacation time off and holidays  

Organic production 

Is based on a system of farming that maintains and replenishes soil fertility without the use of toxic, persistent pesticides and fertilizers. 

Why did you choose Colored Organics? There has to be other GOTS Certified manufacturers. 

We choose Colored Organics due to their level of transparency in their entire GOTS certification process. But beyond that, Colored Organics is taking a step in making an impact in the lives of children. They continue to also partner with reputable organizations globally to accomplish this. Whether it is helping abandoned children in India or working with a local children’s hospital, we believe your support will make a difference.